Tuesday 23 December 2008

Boris Berezovsky and Litvinenko....

" So what can you tell me about Berezovsky & Litvinenko, Big Paws?"

"Well you probably know more than I do Jason, but it says in Wikipediathat Berezovsky, also known as Platon Elenin is best known as the epitome of Russian "robber capitalism", but he denies having ever taken part in the violence that tainted Russian business during that era.

Arrest warrants for him have been issued in Russia and Brazil for allegations of fraud, embezzlement and money laundering, and he is under investigation by Swiss federal prosecutors for money laundering since 2003.

So The Uk Government felt sorry for him and let him claim asylum in England, mainly because he hates Putin."

"Yup Big Paws that about sums it up - some even say Litvinenko was sent here to investigate Berezovsky - once a spy always a spy"

"And presumably he started to get to know too much so Berezovsky used his mafia connections to finish him off"

"Well someone definitely did who wanted to give Putin a bad name"

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