"But more importantly Conckers I bet our friend "The Unelected One's" been covering things up again since I haven't blogged anything for days now"
"Oh of course Jason - lets start the week with the one The Independent Newspaper reported on Friday 20th March 2009"
"Ok Conckers - what was the story about?"
"Well - The Headline was 'Israel's Dirty Secrets In Gaza:- Army veterans reveal how they gunned down innocent Palestinian families and destroyed homes and farms in the Last Attack they took part in on Gaza -
One soldier is said to have described how an officer ordered the shooting of an elderly woman a 100 metres away from a house commandeered by troops.
Another soldier described how a mother and her children were shot dead by a sniper after they turned the wrong way out of a house...."
"Wow Conckers - was there anything else in this newspaper article of interest?"
"Oh yes - on the eve of the attack, Ephraim Halevy , the former head of Mossad , had said that the way to stop rocket attacks on Israel was to draw Hamas, the elected Palestinian govt into negotiation and compromise - but 'Israel, for reasons of its own, did not want to turn the ceasefire into the start of a diplomatic process with Hamas"
"I see why he was the former head of Mossad - he used his common sense - not like the CIA for example - getting the Pakistani Secret Service to train Osama Bin Laden in Black Operations and then wonder why he used his training against them!!!"
"Well Jason - that is the question that will remain unanswered for some time unless someone's lucky enough to get to talk to Bin Laden before the Americans shoot him first so he cant spill the beans!!"
"Ok Conckers - Ill upload most of the other Berlin photos tomorrow but I thought Id put this one now - its the memorial to remember the holocaust of the Jews in the 2nd World War - I wonder if the Bush and Rothschild family have ever visited so they can remember what their families' finances helped do?"
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