Wednesday 18 March 2009


"So Jason - tell me what happened yesterday?"

"Well after sending a fully printed list of Bilderburg attendees to "The Unelected One - Gordon Brown" in February which was available on Wikipedia, I decided to check if was still there yesterday Conckers..."

"And yes Jason?...."

"Well the list still exists except it's been decimated - it's now about 2 pages long when it used to be about 30 pages long - here you can have a look Wikipedia Destroyed List

However like I did warn Gordon Brown at the time - this list is mirrored all over the place on the internet - here's one example: All you need to know about Bilderburg

So Peter Mandelson and Gordon Brown yup you're still listed as attending and you cant change history about selling the Uks gold bullion through a bullion market that belonged to Rothschild at the time either Gordon Brown!!!"

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